Bold. Distinctive. Biblical.
A Principle-Approach® Pre-K–12 Christian School in Lancaster County, PA
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Dayspring students wear uniforms. At school, a student’s job is learning; that is the business of school. 我们的学生为手头的任务而着装,以限制干扰和竞争,并鼓励学术努力. As students mature, the uniform does as well. 制服政策可以在上面的家庭手册链接中找到, as well as by clicking the button below.

我们的学生有机会购买特定的制服项目从 LANDS’ END.

在兰兹角购物时,请使用我们学校的电话: 9000-7436-0. Lands ' End与Dayspring合作,将从Dayspring家庭购买的总金额中拿出一部分捐赠给我们学校. 对于需要标识的项目,标识编号为: 0230708K.

View 2024-2025 Dress Policy 2024-2025


produced by the learner. In addition, learning must be of Biblical origin, accomplish a Biblical purpose with all diligence; and use a Biblical methodology. 此外,父母最终有责任教育他们的孩子. 授权教师协助这一过程, 必须有共同的所有权和统一的目标. To that end, 黎明基督教学院的宗旨是在基督教的上帝观和世界观框架内提供良好的学术教育.


  1. 鼓励接受基督为救主,并借着他的话语培养对神的爱
  2. 为父母是基督徒的孩子提供以圣经为中心和充满基督的教育
    in Lancaster County and surrounding areas
  3. 为了充分表现基督徒的个性,如自治等,
    diligence, perseverance, industry, reverence, respect, and responsibility, thereby fitting students to
  4. 以基督教的观点来学习所有科目的课程, rather than a
    humanistic one; thereby, producing a coherent Biblical world view
  5. 维持挑战学生天赋能力的学术标准
  6. 强调艺术和技巧涉及到健全,逻辑推理和知情,
    articulate expression
  7. 强化基督徒家庭的目标、习惯和纪律
  8. 促进学生在知识方面的精神、心理、社会和身体的成长
  9. 激发每个孩子的才能,天赋和教育,为上帝的荣耀
  10. 鼓励学生为学校社区及本地市民服务
    community as part of their Christian duty

The Dayspring community of families, faculty and staff, 和校董会都有一个神圣的承诺:

  1. We are committed to the development of SPIRITUAL STATURE in our students, assisting
    在主的教养和劝戒中养育他们. This is done through the
    学校的各种项目、活动和课程. The Biblical Principle Approach does not
    just “integrate” truth into the subject content, or “tack on” a Christian appearance; it approaches
    确定反映该知识的学科原理, whether it is algebra, phonics,
    basketball, or study habits. 注意确保我们BCK体育注册官网中的活动
  2. We are committed to ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE, cultivating the fullest expression of the
    individual through instruction, inspiration, and consecration in intellectual, physical, and artistic
    pursuits. 这是在课堂上通过建立高标准、开明来实现的
    课程,并通过反思性学习,推理,写作和阅读的实践. The tutorial
    强调可以让每个孩子在需要的时候通过接受帮助或充实来学习. In athletics, art,
  3. We are committed to the CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT of every child; bringing to bear the
    基督教自治的纪律和信念. True Christian character is a thing of great
    beauty and value. 世界上所有的学术成就或精神知识都不可能成功
    没有被真理塑造和强化的品格. We design classroom
    mind. 我们的课程充满了伟大人物的榜样,他们激励并为我们的未来提供愿景
  4. We are committed to cultivating LEADERSHIP SKILL AND SERVICE for the next generation.
    Leadership is serving. 我们设想每个孩子都将学会走出自我
    in God’s greater purposes. 社区的服务计划有助于实现这一目标. Our
    每个孩子对上帝和我们来说都是独一无二的珍贵. 我们相信每一个都是被选择和放置的
    为了永恒的目的在黎明基督教学院. 我们为……的快乐和特权而感激

View the 2024-2025 Family-Student Handbook

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